Find Breakpoints

R - Resistance I - Intermediate S - Susceptible
Breakpoint Web API

    "organism": "Escherichia coli",
    "whonet_org_code": "eco",
    "organism_code": "EBC",
    "organism_code_type": "FAMILY_CODE",
    "guidelines": "CLSI",
    "year": 2022,
    "test_method": "DISK",
    "potency": "30??g",
    "breakpoint_type": "Human",
    "host": "Human",
    "site_of_infection": "",
    "whonet_test": "AMK_ND30",
    "R": 14,
    "I": "15-16",
    "sdd": 0,
    "S": 17,
    "ecv_ecoff": 0


  • guideline: CLSI/EUCAST
  • year: It is the guideline released year. For example: 2022
  • testMethod: It is the AST Test method. For example: DISK or MIC
  • breakpointType: It is the breakpoint type. For example: Human, Animal
  • organismCode: It is the WHONET three digits organism code. For example: eco, str, sau
  • antibioticName: It is the WHONET antibiotic name. For example: AMK_ND30, AMP_NM